Terms of Use

Welcome to www.biblesforamerica.org. Bibles for America (“BfA”) owns and operates this website (“Site”) and provides its services and products to you subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms and Conditions”), and your use of the Site constitutes your full and complete acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in their entirety. Please read them carefully. If you do not agree with any provision of these Terms and Conditions, you should not use the Site.

BfA reserves the right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. You agree to be bound by any such changes to the Terms and Conditions. We encourage you to review these Terms and Conditions for changes whenever you use this Site. BfA may terminate your access rights to the Site immediately and without notice if in BfA’s sole discretion you fail to comply with any provision of the Terms and Conditions.

Copyrights and Trademarks

All of the Content included on BfA’s Site, any of BfA’s websites, social media channels, and mobile applications (“Content”), including, without limitation, articles, images, illustrations, graphics, programming scripts, logos, button icons, audio clips, videos and video clips, text and software, is subject to copyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by BfA. The entire Content is copyrighted under U.S. copyright laws, and BfA owns a copyright in the selection, arrangement, and enhancement of the Content. You cannot use the Content, except as specified herein, and you agree to follow all instructions on this Site, any of BfA’s websites, social media channels, and mobile applications, limiting the way you may use the Content.

You may download, print, and store selected portions of the Content, provided you: (1) only use these copies of the Content for your own personal, non-commercial use, and (2) do not copy or post the Content on any network computer or broadcast the Content in any media, and (3) do not modify or alter the Content in any way, or delete or change any copyright or trademark notice. BfA retains the complete title and full intellectual property rights of any Content you download from this Site, any of its websites, social media channels, and mobile applications, and does not grant any rights to you under any copyright, trademark, and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by BfA. Except as noted above, you may not copy, download, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, transmit, transfer, or create derivative works from the Content without prior written consent from Bibles for America.


The links on this Site, other BfA websites, BfA social media channels, and BfA mobile applications, lead to third-party websites. These links are provided only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or warranties by BfA. The linked sites are not under the control of BfA and BfA is not responsible for the contents of any linked sites or links contained in a linked site, or changes or updates to such sites. Please remember to read the terms and conditions of use and privacy statement of any linked sites as they may differ from these Terms and Conditions.


Please review BfA’s Privacy Policy, which also governs your use of all of BfA’s websites, social media channels, and mobile applications.


Users of this Site, other BfA websites (with the exception of ReadHisWord.com), social media channels, and BfA mobile applications must be at least 18 years of age in order to participate in any activity that requires the submission of Personal Information. By requesting materials or participating in Site activities, you certify that you are at least 18 years of age. BfA reserves the right to refuse service, cancel requests for materials, remove content, or cancel orders at its sole discretion.


BfA’s websites, social media channels, and mobile applications and all its Contents are provided by BfA on an “as is” and “as available” basis. BfA makes no warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of its sites, social media channels, and mobile applications or the information, content, materials, or products included on the sites, social media channels, and mobile applications. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, BfA disclaims all warranties, express or implied. BfA does not warrant that its sites, its servers, or email sent from bfa.org are free of viruses or other harmful components.

By your use of BfA’s sites and mobile applications, you agree that: (1) your use is at your sole risk, (2) you accept full responsibility for all costs associated with all necessary servicing or repairs of any equipment you use in connection with your use, and (3) BfA shall not be liable for any damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages, resulting from your use or your inability to use its sites, social media channels, and mobile applications.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold BfA and its affiliates, agents, employees, related entities, and third-party content providers and licensors harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or related to your use of the sites, social media channels, and mobile applications, and/or your breach or alleged breach of any obligation, condition, or term in these Terms and Conditions.

General Provisions

These Terms and Conditions of Use and any additional terms posted on this Site together constitute the entire Agreement between BfA and you with respect to your use of this Site, any other BfA sites, social media channels, and mobile applications.

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. By using BfA’s sites, social media channels, and mobile applications, you agree that jurisdiction is in the state of California, and that venue for all actions arising out of your use shall be the state of California.

If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be severable from the other provisions and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.