Our Savior God desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:3–4

We’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and we love the Bible!

Bibles for America (BfA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian books throughout the United States. We’re believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (see our statement of faith), and we love the Bible!

The unique study Bible and Christian books we give away have helped us personally to understand God’s purpose for mankind and to see Christ as the One of peerless worth. Now we share them freely so more people can be spiritually nourished, grow in the Lord, and be brought on to the full knowledge of the truth.

Our main office is in Irvine, California. At our nearby distribution center, faithful volunteers ship out the free Bibles and books while praying for every recipient. We also go on tours throughout the US to university campuses, community events, and other locations to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people and give away our Bibles and books in person.

As a nonprofit organization, we depend on donations to fulfill our mission. That’s how we can make our materials absolutely free to anyone who wants them. We thank the Lord for leading so many to support BfA with their time, their money, and their prayers, so that millions of people across America can enjoy the free Bible and books we give away.

Bibles for America

Our Mission

Bibles for America is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version and Christian books throughout the United States.

It was founded with the belief that Gods desire for “all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4) must be fulfilled. Since God desires every person to have a complete realization of the truth in His Word, we want to make the Bible available and understandable to all.

Our History

Bibles for America history 2000


  • Bibles for America is founded.

  • BfA acquires its first motorhome.

  • Motorhome distribution tours are carried out throughout the country.

Bibles for America history 2001


  • Distribution center is established in Vernon, CA.

  • After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, BfA embarks on a 60-day distribution tour ending near Ground Zero in New York City.

Bibles for America history 2002


Bibles for America history 2003


  • BfA launches Military Outreach program to give Bibles and books to military service members and their families.

Bibles for America history 2004


  • Distribution center moves from Vernon, CA to a larger facility in City of Commerce.

  • BfA begins distributing free Christian books.


Bibles for America history 2007


  • BfA begins distributing Spanish language materials, including the New Testament Recovery Version in Spanish.

  • Bibles for Canada is founded.

  • BfA shifts its focus from physical tours to growing its digital presence.


Bibles for America history 2013


Bibles for America history 2016


Bibles for America history 2017


  • BfA website is redesigned and begins offering free downloadable e-books.

Bibles for America history 2018


  • BfA gives away its three millionth book.

  • Useful features are added to the BfA Blog.

Bibles for America history 2019


  • BfA has given away over 1.5 million Bibles.

“Reading the New Testament Recovery Version has taken me to a higher level. I finally feel like I am eating the meat, not just the milk of the Word...I can't thank the Lord enough and everyone who has made this possible.”

When Bibles for America first began in 2000, we set a goal of giving away 1 million copies of the New Testament Recovery Version, getting this study Bible into 1 percent of all US households. In 2013, we surpassed this milestone, and as of 2018, we had given away more than 1.5 million New Testaments.

In 2004, we also started giving away free Christian books that help believers grow in their faith. To date, we have given away over 3 million copies of these books.


BfA is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. As a nonprofit organization, we are funded solely by individual contributions and depend on donations to fulfill our mission.

We thank the Lord for leading so many to support BfA with their time, their money, and their prayers, so that millions of people across America can enjoy the free Bible and books we give away.

Donations to Bibles for America qualify as tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

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Bibles given away


Christian books given away