What is Worship?—A Simple Way to Touch the Lord, Part 3 of 3

How do we worship God? What is true worship to God? John 4.24 tells us that true worship is worship “in spirit and truthfulness.” This is worship that comes from deep within us. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, one way we can render this worship to God is by using four simple words: O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah.

This is the third video in a three-part series.

A Simple Way to Touch the Lord, Part 1

A Simple Way to Touch the Lord, Part 2

A Simple Way to Touch the Lord, Part 3

The contents of this video are taken from chapter 2 of “Basic Elements of the Christian Life,” vol. 2, entitled “A Simple Way to Touch the Lord.” Read the e-book for free at http://biblesforamerica.org/books/.

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Bibles for America